Talk Shop: Amy Studebaker // Amy Studebaker Designs

Photo by Joan Fisher

Photo by Joan Fisher


Amy Studebaker has built up longstanding clientele in St. Louis as an interior designer for more than fifteen years, specializing in luxury living spaces. Her design capabilities include renovations, updates, and designs conceived from blueprints for new home construction – and most recently, we’ve fallen in love with her Instagram content. Studebaker is a whiz at Reels, churning out engaging styling content on the reg.

Prior to opening Amy Studebaker Design, Amy was an assistant designer, beginning her career at a local design firm. During her time as an independent designer, she has managed residential projects for families in Missouri, New York, Florida, Colorado, Michigan, and Texas. Amy collaborates closely with her clients to meld décor with their lifestyles and personalities, and will often expertly blend a mixture of new and antique furniture and accessories, creating a timeless space that feels comfortable and collected. Traveling the country in search of these unique pieces brings a special element to her clients' homes (and she often takes her followers along for the ride!) We love the way Amy’s personal style infuses everything she touches, from her style suggestions to accessorizing her home and more – so we sat down with the designer to chat all things interiors. Check it out below!

Describe your style in three words or less:

Curated, refined, tastemaker.

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life:

-My time as a design assistant perusing beautiful antique shops. The history behind each item captivated me.



-Beginning my hunt

How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do: 

I love the fact that I make spaces beautiful and functional for our clients. Home is a place where everyone should be able to relax and create memories with their loved ones. 

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:

When I began Amy Studebaker Design, my very first client would give me business advice, which was invaluable to me. I have held onto his words of wisdom, and it has served myself and my firm well!

What does your home say about you:

My home is a beautiful and formal space that is also approachable to anyone who walks through our door. It says “Welcome Home,” and invites you to throw your feet up and get cozy!

Where do you find inspiration:

I find inspiration through almost anything and everything. Artwork, parts and pieces of furniture, textiles, magazines…..basically anything that I find to be beautiful! 

Who are your style icons:

Audrey Hepburn and Jackie O

What are your key ingredients for entertaining:

Knowing the people you are inviting into your home and their tastes in order to create the perfect ambiance! 

Do you collect anything:

I collect and adore unique silver pieces! 

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

@murpheybeckerart, @juliaberolzheimer, @pencilandpaperco.

What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:

For me, there are no rules, which means there also are no rules to break!

What are you working on right now:

20+ plus clients’ homes + growing instagram + designing a furniture line + (What am I not doing?!)

Wardrobe staples:

Anything with ruffles! 

Best interior advice you ever received: 

Buy things you love.

Best career advice you ever received:

Communicate, communicate, communicate: With your clients, with your team, with everyone!

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:

Invest in quality upholstery as it will serve you for years to come. Save on particular types of accessories, such as picture frames--you can find great deals on these at many places!

Your greatest extravagance:

Purchasing my 18th Century Italian commode which sits in my living room.

Favorite places to shop for home:

Any antique shop!

Most prized possession and why:

Other than the precious gifts from my son, my first pair of designer sunglasses. I know this sounds silly, but I allowed myself this purchase upon completion of my very first large scale design project, which for me, signified the start of truly owning a business!

Your interiors motto: 

Live only with what you love.

Your life motto:

Everything happens for a reason.

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style: 

Collect small items (trinkets, paint swatches, snipits of textiles, items with your favorite textures, anything you love  etc.), and place them in a small grouping. Step back and view what you have collected, and I bet you will find your style direction!

Take Ten: My Favorite…

Food: French fries

Drink: A  great glass of wine

Film: Any movie with Doris Day

Hotel: Castle Hill Inn

City: Newport, RI

Bedding: Anything that I custom create!

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): Cappuccino with whole milk

Playlist: The soundtrack from Something’s Gotta Give 

Weekend Activity: Playing in the park with my Little Love

Design Book: The Well Adorned Home


In the Kitchen with Eunice Byun, Material Kitchen


Talk Shop: Jess Ziomek // Thrills of the Hunt