Talk Shop: Benjamin Reynaert // Domino

Photo by Tony Vu

Photo by Tony Vu


Benjamin Reynaert is currently the style director at Domino, where he leads style and market across print, online and social, and also oversees photoshoots. Ben, who has an incredible resume (AD Pro, House Beautiful, Veranda, Elle Decor, Traditional Home, it goes on!), gained his knowledge at RISD, where he received fine arts and architecture degrees. We love Ben’s curated Instagram feed, @aspoonfulofbenjamin, which has over 68k followers (!!!) and offers up a bevy of inspirational imagery – it happens to be one of our favorite follows. 

During the height of quarantine, Ben started the #marketbymail hashtag, where every Friday he creates mood boards using the latest textiles, wallpapers, and trims he received in the mail. We love looking forward to the next #marketbymail post, and had so much fun chatting with Ben about his favorite things—we hope you do too!

Describe your style in three words or less: 

Eclectic, Collected, Personal.

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life:

  1. I remember the very first time an editor I was working for at the time took me to Thomas O’Brien’s shop on Broome Street to source some props for a photoshoot. I knew at that moment that I was in the right place doing the right thing.

  2. I was once an intern at the Morgan Library and got a chance to handle some terribly old and rare books and have always been inspired by the history of the book and communication styles though the printed page.

  3. My grandparents’ former mid-century home, not too far from the Cranbrook School in Michigan, oddly has a lot of influence on how I think about mixing modern elements into a space. 

How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do: 

I am obsessed with how objects, fabrics and vintage pieces can be placed together to support a story, mood and idea. I have lost sleep over not being able to find the perfect bowl for a story. Thankfully, that worked out in the end!

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:

One of my mentors really taught me the difference between seeing things in space and seeing things in two dimensions on the page.

What does your home say about you:

My home is a mess of different things that are important to me and tell my story — everything from my favorite vintage mug that is now a pencil cup to a treasured piece of art I found near a dumpster in Rome. Most of my most important items in my home have involved me carrying them by hand on a plane.

Where do you find inspiration:

I find inspiration just about everywhere, but lately I’ve been pouring through all of the back issues of Domino that I purchased on ebay. I find so much of the old decorating content relatable today.

Who are your style icons:

I think of Albert Hadley’s office, Hubert de Givenchy’s work table, Yves Saint Laurent’s studio, all people and spaces that choose to live creatively at home.

What are your key ingredients for entertaining: 

Keep it simple, rustic and charming. It all starts with the tablecloth...

Do you collect anything:

I collect antique and handmade bookbinding tools, small artist books and have quite a robust NYC matchbook collection.

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

I am obsessed with the Row’s account (@therow) because they do a wonderful job a posting important design objects from the past. I am also very inspired by Sheila Bridges’ (@harlemtoilegirl) main feed personal storytelling, Kate Brodsky’s (krbnyc) shop tours on stories and love to follow @floorplansofthepast.

What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:

I think all rules are meant to be broken, or at least questioned. I do think it’s important to have lots of lamps at different heights, though.

What are you working on right now:

I’m working on Domino’s winter print issue and many exciting new digital initiatives for our website and email platforms.

Wardrobe staples:

Navy blazers, denim shirts, a handkerchief.

Best interior advice you ever received: 

Three out of five famous decorators have told me that it’s not about design but about living and living well. So, if it works for them…!

Best career advice you ever received:

My father has always said to take calculated risks but I’ve always relied and acted on my inner Oprah intuition.

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:

I splurge on vintage finds and antiques that I know I can’t live without or might have more trouble finding again. I definitely save where it makes sense to, that could be a jute rug from IKEA until I’m ready to go for it at Rush Matters or a simple inexpensive wall sconce might do the trick if it is paired with  a fun and fabulous patterned lampshade.

Your greatest extravagance:

I don’t do my own laundry and half the fridge must be stocked with sparkling water at all times.

Favorite places to shop for home:

I love shopping at Bergdorf Goodman because the home displays are always so inspiring and I am a regular at Housing Works too.

Most prized possession and why:

An ID bracelet my boyfriend gave me when we were first dating.

Your interiors motto:

Don’t take anything too seriously, have fun, I tend to add more layers rather than subtract, move things around constantly, but it’s important to take things away and put that storage unit to work.

Your life motto:

Without sounding too cheesy, I say live life to the fullest and these days I truly think it’s important to prioritize taking time for ourselves.

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style: 

Keep questioning what it is that you like and don’t like and always keep trying new things and experiment. I’m constantly learning new ways of thinking about design.

Take Ten: My Favorite…

Food: Baked tomatoes, oil & a crust of bread

Drink: Negroni neat

Film: I’ll always love Sleepless in Seattle.. Don’t judge me!

Hotel: The Ham Yard

City: Mexico City

Bedding: Matouk cotton

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): Espresso with a little milk

Playlist: The Darjeeling Limited original soundtrack

Weekend Activity: Jog in the park

Design Book: American Decoration, Thomas Jayne


Kale Caesar Salad


Talk Shop: Shelley Johnstone // Shelley Johnstone Design