Talk Shop: Bria Hammel // Bria Hammel Interiors



Bria Hammel is the CEO & Creative Director of Bria Hammel Interiors and sister-company and home décor line, Brooke & Lou (an AOI favorite!) Bria leads a talented team of women who are dedicated to designing beautiful, inviting homes for clients. For Bria, every project is about creating a home filled with surprising, thoughtful spaces that lead to unexpected moments. She has an incredible eye for detail and has a passion for designing spaces that tell her clients’ stories. 

Bria’s work has been featured in national publications such as Traditional Home, HGTV Magazine, House Beautiful, Martha Stewart Living, as well as many other local shelter magazines. She received the “Fresh Faces of Design” award in 2015 and 2018 from HGTV, was a finalist for an International Design Award, was selected as a 2018 Style Spotter for High Point Market Authority, and received 2nd Place in Sub-Zero Wolf's Kitchen Design Contest in the Traditional category in 2019. We love Bria’s modern yet clean interiors, and hope you enjoy our interview with this talented designer!

Describe your style in three words or less:

Casual, livable, classic

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life:

Being born in the south, I started at a young age being influenced by warm weather and beautiful, colorful homes. Travel has and always be my biggest inspiration. Every time a travel to a new country I can see a color palette start to be incorporated into our designs naturally, it’s a beautiful thing how the things around you can set a path of creativity. 

How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do: 

I started my company when I was 9 months pregnant with my 1st born. I knew I wanted to be in control of my schedule and life, and although it didn’t mean I was going to work less (I actually worked more than I ever had once I started my own business) I could still choose when and where I needed to be. 

I love the people most. My team, who I consider now my extended family, mean so much to me. I love watching them grow in their roles, see them perfect their expertise and also watch them balance their work and personal lives- we are all very close and I am so grateful for that! 

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:

Honestly, too many to count. My mother and father have influenced me in very different ways, but they both have shaped my career in more ways than I can count. My mother loved interior design and definitely showed me how to truly dive into your passion. My father has been a business owner for many years, and still to this day we talk daily in the mornings sharing our stories of business, me asking him for advice (or to talk me off the ledge), he has been a daily support for me from day 1 of starting Bria Hammel Interiors. 

What does your home say about you:

It’s funny, I can see my growth in design by looking at my home. I’m not sure if others notice it, but by looking room to room and knowing when I completed a space, I can see where I was at in this design journey. It’s almost like a living journal of my style and design expertise. It’s humbling and beautiful all in the same breath. 

Where do you find inspiration:

I am so inspired by history and architecture. My favorite thing when I travel is to really get to understand the architecture in the area and why things are built the way they are. I also love to collect design books and often catch myself thumbing through my books when I am lacking inspiration. 

Who are your style icons:

Sister Parrish is #1 for me- her aesthetic makes me feel instantly at home. We still love to specify her wallpapers and fabrics! Bunny Williams is also a current designer that gets it right Every. Single. Time. 

What are your key ingredients for entertaining: 

ALWAYS a beautiful tablescape. Fresh flowers, a relevant play list, and yummy cocktails. I’m not a great cook, but really enjoy making special meals for friends. 

Do you collect anything:

Autographed books- I love how personal they feel, and it usually sparks a memory of meeting the author and making a special connection with them. 

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

All the European brands right now- @devolkitchens, @louisehjorthdesign, @costwoldinterior, @hillhousevintage.

What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:

I don’t really believe in design “rules” but very much believe in good design vs. bad design. I’m symmetrical to a fault and sometimes have to reign my OCD in when it comes to symmetry and balance. 

What are you working on right now:

We are working on some pretty incredible projects right now, including 2 international projects. I love being challenged to figure out new processes, learn new rules and design in new ways for clients. 

We also just opened up our first retail store for our product line, Brooke & Lou! It’s such a thrill to be able to showcase our beautiful product in person to our customers and meet them face to face! A very special treat after 2020. 

Wardrobe staples:

Most recently my Sarah Flint flats- my outfits don’t feel complete without them! 

Favorite fabric/wallpaper:

Shameless plug but our exclusive Brooke & Lou fabric and wallpaper. Who wouldn’t love to design their own patterns and be able to use them in designs? When I feel like we are missing something from the line I just work with our artist to create a new one! It’s really a dream. 

Best interior advice you ever received: 

Don’t worry about trends, as long as you are designing what the clients love it will never go out of style. 

Best career advice you ever received:

Never tell yourself no. If you want it, you can figure out how to make it happen. 

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:

Invest: Architectural details

Save: Accessories! 

Your greatest extravagance:

Probably my snobby travel preferences- with traveling so often it’s important for me to stay in places that feel like home. 

Favorite places to shop for home:

I love finding small boutiques when we are traveling, and buying special pieces that remind me of where they came from. I’m not a huge fan of big chain stores and having furniture that I know my neighbor might have. (says every designer ever!)

Most prized possession and why:

Maybe not possession, but my children. I’m constantly amazed by their thoughtfulness- they really take the time to think of others and love to make people laugh. I truly can’t wait to see what they do with their lives! 

Your interiors motto:

When in doubt, paint it white. I know white is on it’s way out, but I grew up with white throughout my entire home and I still love how it allows other colors to stand on their own. 

Your life motto:

Don’t sweat the small stuff. 

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style: 

Look within yourself for your style, not what you see others setting as their style. It’s ok to have a viewpoint and not like what everyone else is liking in the moment. 

Take Ten: My Favorite…

Food: Mexican followed by sushi as a close second. 

Drink: Starbucks Almond Milk Latte or an Aperol Spritz depending on the time of day 😂 

Film: The Bodyguard 

Hotel: Too many to count! Each hotel has such a special memory to me… a few to note, The Grand Hotel at Mackinac Island (haven’t been there since I was a child but I have so many special memories in that hotel!) The Plaza Hotel- my children love to stay there and the customer service has always been perfection! 

City: Lisbon

Bedding: Still looking for the perfect bed linens that check all the boxes! Maybe I’m too picky...

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): Coffee. Skinny vanilla latte with almond milk

Playlist: People laugh when they follow me on Spotify- I have quite the selection of music! I truly love all kinds. 

Weekend Activity: Being in the garden. I love landscaping and growing things. It’s where I find the most relaxation. 

Design Book: Either of the Mark Sikes books - just love his aesthetic! 


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