Talk Shop: Elizabeth Lawrence // Partner, Bunny Williams Inc.

Photo by Lesley Unruh


Elizabeth Lawrence’s design origin story is one to inspire: Originally from Wilmington, Delaware, the classically trained interior designer attended the University of Richmond and then the New York School of Interior Design. After graduation, a coveted internship at Bunny Williams Associates led to a job as Junior Designer, and she rose later to Senior Designer before being named the firm’s first ever Partner in 2017 – a major accomplishment.

Together, Elizabeth and Bunny run Bunny Williams Interior Design and the firm’s product line, Bunny Williams Home. In 2020, The New York School of Interior Design honored Elizabeth at their annual gala, and her work has been widely published in media outlets including Architectural Digest, Elle Decor, House Beautiful, Veranda, Galerie, Milieu, and others.

When not at the office, reading, visiting museums, or spending time with numerous nieces and nephews, Elizabeth can be found exploring the world with her husband and capturing her adventures with her other great passion: photography (just check out her Instagram!) We so loved sitting down with Elizabeth, and we hope you do too!

Describe your style in three words or less:

Classic, Liveable, Eclectic

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life:

My mom, traveling, and Bunny!

How did you start at Bunny Williams Inc., and what is your favorite thing about what you do:

I started as an intern and worked my way up. I became Bunny’s first and only business partner in 2017 and together, we run all aspects of the business. My favorite thing about what I do is working with great people from the clients to coworkers and vendors and all of the beautiful things I see every day. We always have exciting things in the works: we just moved the showroom for our furniture line, Bunny Williams Home, into the Interior Arts Building right next to our office. The renovation of the space was a big undertaking but totally worth it! We have a new line of furniture, inspired by Bunny’s groundbreaking store Treillage, which is just out, and we also just launched a new refresh of our website with a number of new projects. As with all things, it takes a village and we are lucky to have such a great team of designers and support staff who help make it all possible.

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory: 

Allison Caccoma was at Bunny Williams Inc. when I started and she was always so kind, and willing to listen and teach. She is all those things and more to this day and I am lucky to consider her a dear friend. She now has a fabulous shop in San Francisco, Decoration, that is a must-visit for anyone living in town or traveling there. I love catching up with her and often look to her for guidance and camaraderie. 

What does your home say about you:

I hope it says ‘welcome’ and that people feel comfortable hanging out with me at home. It is my favorite place to be and I like to entertain at home, whether it’s a full dinner party or just cocktails and a movie. Post-pandemic, being with people I love feels even more meaningful and it’s nice to be able to go out again, but I will never stop loving entertaining at home too!

Where do you find inspiration:

Always traveling and my long walks. 

Who are your style icons:

Nancy Lancaster, Auntie Mame

What are your key ingredients for entertaining:

A beautiful table and a big spread of hors d’oeuvres. Feed people a lot to start and if the main course falls apart they are still fed and happy!

Do you collect anything:

Anything and everything for a table setting. It’s a bit of an obsession but I also believe in using what you love so nothing I own is too fine to set my table with or serve friends on.

Photo by Andrew Frasz

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

@pino3bravo, @prior,, @fin.writes, @drusustabor

What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken: to follow:

Always follow: Scale always matters.  

To be broken: Match your wood finishes (I always mix them!).

What are you working on right now:

A country estate, a New York City townhouse, a Palm Beach getaway, and a young family’s apartment with Central Park Views.

Wardrobe staples:

Chanel flats in a variety of colors and a good pair of white sneakers. (I want to walk everywhere, which means cute, but functional, flats and sneakers are essential!)

Favorite fabric/wallpaper:

I love any embroidered fabric. When it comes to wallpaper, the more pattern the better!

Best interior advice you ever received:

Look up! Don’t forget about the ceilings.

Best career advice you ever received:

Don’t always try to be the hero and do it all—ask for help and advice. And learn to delegate.

Photo by Lisa Romerein

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:

Antique furniture is always a good investment. I save on tablecloths by purchasing fabric remnants. It also makes your table scape feel special when you have it set on a meaningful or original piece of fabric and not the same tablecloth you’ve seen in every Instagram post.

Your greatest extravagance:

Jewelry. I have a great appreciation for the art and love scouring auctions and flea markets for vintage pieces.

Favorite places to shop for home:

Any and all antique stores. I seek them out when I’m traveling and have been known to bring an extra bag home with treasures.

Most prized possession and why:

Family photos, for the memories.

Your interiors motto:

 Always remember it’s subjective. Your clients favorite color may not be yours but that doesn’t mean it is wrong. Make it work for them and it will be beautiful. 

Your life motto:

Whatever you focus on grows. Watch your focus.

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style: 

Go see things—museums, fashion in small boutiques, restaurants, the famous statues and little known streets. Travel as much as you can and take note of what touches you.

Take Ten: My Favorite…

Food: Sushi

Drink: Grey Goose and soda with lime

Film: Auntie Mame

Hotel: Ballyfin Demesne

City: New York City

Bedding: Casa Del Bianco

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): I’m not into hot beverages, I don’t drink coffee and most people are horrified! Sometimes I will have tea but rarely. 

Playlist: Charles Aznavour

Weekend Activity: Always a long walk in nature and taking photos along the way.

Design Book: The Interiors and Architecture of Renzo Mongiardino: A Painterly Vision by Martina Mondadori Sartogo


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