Talk Shop: Erica Burns // Erica Burns Interiors


Erica Burns Interiors creates custom interior spaces for clients seeking an inviting home. Erica firmly believes that her client’s homes should reflect their unique personalities, however different, and her role is to guide them through the complex world of plumbing fixtures and drapery panels to arrive at a cohesive and welcoming design. From a beach cottage to a bachelor pad, a traditional family home to a whimsical apartment for entertaining, Erica’s reach has spanned many different spaces. The one common theme that can be found throughout each project is her attention to detail and thoughtful editing, lending to a project that is timeless and classic with a touch of the unexpected.

Originally from Atlanta, Erica graduated from the University of Florida’s College of Design, Construction & Planning. She began her career in the construction industry, eventually finding her niche in residential design. Erica’s background in reading construction documents and working alongside the trades gives her a unique approach to design. This knowledge brings efficiency to the process as it provides for a décor that is seamlessly integrated with the architectural elements of a home. She lives in Bethesda, MD with her husband two daughters. We loved chatting with Erica, and hope you enjoy!

Describe your style in three words or less:

Classic, tailored, and curated.

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life:

My grandmother (the most stylish woman I have known), my mother (who always created a beautiful home and let me design my bedroom at age 10), and reading (shelter magazines to architectural history). 

How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do: 

I originally started working in the construction industry, commercial and then residential, and at one point I realized I wanted to be involved in the design of all these beautiful homes I was helping to build. So I took a leap of faith and started a design business, first working with family and friends on their renovation projects where I was comfortable while also dabbling in the decorating side, and it organically grew into what the firm it is today, 11 years later. 

I love that since most of our projects are custom homes or renovations, I still get to be involved in the construction, where it all started.

Photo by Jennifer Hughes

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:

I don’t actually have the typical design career path of working under other designers that would provide for a true ‘design’ mentor. But while at my last job before starting my business, I did have a colleague who was senior to me and really spent the time listening to my goals and interests. She really encouraged me to take the jump and follow what I was really passionate about. I honestly think without that nudge, I would not have my business today. 

What does your home say about you:

My home will always be a work in progress, but I hope that it feels warm, comfortable, and collected. I think it reflects a little bit more of my southern roots than some of my client’s homes too, in a way, which to me is traditional and layered, but also not to be taken too seriously. 

Where do you find inspiration: 

Everywhere! Nature, fashion, Instagram. But I love looking at interiors in print (books and magazines). I am known to have stacks of pages I’ve ripped out of shelter magazines over the years that never go anywhere, but I just can’t throw away an image of a beautiful space that inspires me. 

Who are your style icons:

Steven Gambrel, Tom Scheerer, Katie name a few

Photo by Jennifer Hughes

What are your key ingredients for entertaining: 

Fresh flowers, candles, good lighting, the right mix of guests

Do you collect anything:

Coffee table books, pillows (I love textiles so am always making new pillows)

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

@salvesengraham, @andrewjhow, @keptlondon, @jrandallpowers, @gideonmendelson, @urbanelectricco, @beataheuman.

What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:

Scale is something that has to be right on every project; the proportions of furnishings in relation to the architecture and each other. If the scale is off, the room will never feel right. However, if done intentionally, scale can be manipulated for a really large impact. 

What are you working on right now:

We have a handful of exciting new construction projects kicking off including a modern house with tons of windows, a beach house in Delaware, and a historic renovation in Georgetown. 

Photo by Jennifer Hughes

Wardrobe staples: 

Fall/winter: black sweater, good jeans, loafers

Spring/summer: Ulla Johnson dresses and sandals 

Favorite fabric/wallpaper:

That is too hard! But, I love the wallpaper I recently used in my own powder room, Papyrus by Lewis & Wood (see here.)

Best interior advice you ever received: 

Take a step back and edit. We can sometimes over decorate, where it’s all perfectly planned and coordinated, but removing one item or replacing it with something that’s a little unexpected will create a more interesting room. 

Best career advice you ever received:

Know the numbers. Being in a creative industry, it’s easy to focus energy on all the pretty things, but it’s so important to understand the business side of your firm and always be up to date with balance sheets, cash flows, and future pipelines. 

Photo by StudioHDP

Photo by StudioHDP

Photo by Jennifer Hughes

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:

Invest: Anything you love and have to have - you will always regret not getting that piece of art or antique chest you saw, and it will give your home it’s own personality.

Save: Trends of the moment.

Your greatest extravagance:

At the time, a piece of art by Karen Smidth. It was our first real piece of art, but it has made every room it’s lived in. 

Favorite places to shop for home:

1st Dibs, Chairish, and small boutiques that collect things you just have to see in person

Most prized possession and why:

My necklace, a single diamond that came from my paternal grandmother’s engagement ring. 

Your interiors motto:

It’s just decorating.

Your life motto:

C'est la vie.

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style: 

Don’t over-think it. We don’t all have to be in a specific style category, like “traditional” or “boho” or “modern,” and your own interior doesn’t need to look like a magazine. Just start collecting things you love and it will come together naturally. It’s the mix of styles that really give a house it’s soul and reflects the people who live there. 

Take Ten: My Favorite…

Food: Tacos

Drink: Tequila + soda + lime

Film: Life is Beautiful, Brooklyn, Shag The Movie

Hotel: Moorings Village, Islamorada

City: Charleston, South Carolina and Paris, France 

Bedding: Julia B Linens

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): Coffee, black

Playlist: Van Morrison + Tupac + Chris Stapleton usually serves up a good mix

Weekend Activity: Family hikes

Design Book: Perspective (Steven Gambrel), A House in the Country (Peter Pennoyer, Katie Ridder), The Great American House (Gil Shafer), and Tom Sheerer Decorates


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