Talk Shop: Kerry Spears // Kerry Spears Interiors


Born and raised in southern New Hampshire, Kerry has always had a love for old homes, beautiful details and classic character. After living in Charleston, SC, she discovered her love only grew fonder for the charm of historical architecture. Through a passion for beautiful homes and an innate skill for aesthetics, Kerry Spears Interiors was brought to life. Combining her traditional New England roots with a sprinkle of southern elegance, she is able to design homes that are both refined and timeless. Her desire to truly get to know and listen to each client lets her create a space that suits their everyday needs while adding unique details and style. Kerry provides the ability for clients to step outside of their comfort zone to produce an exciting, yet personal space. She wants their home to reflect their individual aesthetic and be the place they are the most comfortable. Kerry’s signature style fuses traditional interiors with a fresh, modern flair. She currently lives in Providence, RI with her husband, daughter, son, and mini bernedoodle.

Describe your style in three words or less:

Classic, colorful, collected

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life:

Living in different states, attending interior design showhouses, growing up in New England

How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do:

Six years ago we were moving from Kentucky to Florida so I could no longer work with the firm I was working for at the time, so I decided to go out on my own rather than find a new firm to work for. Best decision I ever made.

I love the moment when it all clicks for my client and they can see the big picture. I also really, really love scheming and mixing patterns together.  

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:

The design community as a whole has been so supportive. I have reached out to several designers (Ariel included) over the years who have offered advice, vendor recommendations and even client referrals. Supporting one another shows tremendous confidence and I am so grateful to be surrounded by so many confident designers. 

What does your home say about you:

Besides that I have two children under the age of two, I think it would say that I am a collector. Nothing fits quite perfectly together yet because I refuse to buy pieces I don’t love. 

Where do you find inspiration:

Auction catalogues, magazines, fashion, travel

Who are your style icons:

Kate Middleton, Lauren Santo Domingo, Tory Burch

What are your key ingredients for entertaining:

Good drinks, interesting guests, and a playful tablescape. Don’t let it feel stiff. 

Do you collect anything:

Art, vases (you can literally never have too many), coffee table books, plates/china (but just a few of each because I love to mix and match)

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

@lorenzocastillofe, @elizabethhaydesign, @ateliervime, @louiseroehome

What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:

I hate the idea of rules for design because good design is all about breaking the norm, but if I had to choose one, it would be to follow lampshade sizes. Break all the rest! 

What are you working on right now:

I have three projects ironically within the same New York City suburb, all unrelated and all early 1900’s homes, and a few fun projects in Florida.

Wardrobe staples:

A floral dress

Favorite fabric/wallpaper:

Pierre Frey Le grand genois or literally anything de Gournay

Best interior advice you ever received:

Style should be personal, so don’t buy something because it’s trendy. Buy it because you love it. 

Best career advice you ever received:

Never make assumptions. 

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:

Invest in anything you can’t stop thinking about, whether it’s a piece of art, an antique chest or a beautiful kitchen faucet. Save on items you can find in a local vintage shop, such as side tables, mirrors and knick knacks. As long as the budget stays the same, don’t focus so much on the individual costs and just buy what you love. 

Your greatest extravagance:

Nice dinners out with nice wine. 

Favorite places to shop for home:

Antique shops

Most prized possession and why:

Besides my two children, I would have to say my collection of auction catalogues. They truly are a staple when I am doing research for clients and several of them I purchased through eBay and are hard to find. I feel like they are little hidden secrets of interior styling ideas. 

Your interiors motto:

Keep collecting. A room is never really complete, it just evolves. 

Your life motto:

Be adaptable and kind. I believe those two things will bring anyone success with a little hard work. 

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style:

Figure out exactly what draws your eye in on certain rooms and images you like. You might be surprised at which elements you’re most enamored with. For me it was the tape and trims added to all of the upholstery, walls and lampshades. 

Take Ten: My Favorite…

Food: Cheese, literally any way, shape, or form!

Drink: Dry Cabernet Sauvignon 

Film: The Holiday (would I even be an interior designer if I didn’t say a Nancy Meyers film?)

Hotel: The Cloister at Sea Island

City: Munich

Bedding: Matouk

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): Double Shot Oat milk latte with a drizzle of honey

Playlist: 90’s pop

Weekend Activity: Brunch with my family

Design Book: The Givenchy Style


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