Talk Shop: Mariana Barran de Goodall // Hibiscus Linens

Mariana Barran de Goodall 2020 5.jpg


Mariana Barran de Goodall founded her company Hibiscus Linens, the most coveted hand-stitched textiles on Instagram, by doing what she learned from her upbringing in Monterrey, Mexico—embroidery. And her work doesn’t come without accolades: the artist was named the 2018 Best Southern Tastemaker by Southern Living, and Winner of the 8th Annual Made in the South Awards. Her work combines a modern aesthetic with traditional textile and needlework techniques, and preserves old world stitching methods, which allows Mariana to work through heritage textiles to reveal new insights in a very simple matter.

Mariana believes in the warmth and universal language that comes from a piece of art made completely by hand. Not only does she offer the most amazing embroidered textiles—from cocktail napkins to girls’ dresses—she also hosts creative retreats in San Miguel de Allende, where guests can immerse themselves in Mexican culture and traditions of embroidery, cooking, tours, and shopping in the local area.

After offering these retreats, she decided to create a place to stay—enter the Hotel Amparo, Mariana’s newest venture with her husband that opened early 2019. A quaint, 5-room hotel that’s beautifully decorated incorporates the couple’s travels around the world while created a safe haven for travelers. We loved chatting with Mariana about her inspiration and travels!

Describe your style in three words or less: 

Organized chaos.

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life: 

Monterrey Mexico, San Miguel de Allende, and Paris.

How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do: 

I started my company out of necessity... I moved to the USA with a master’s degree and nobody would hire me! True story. 

What does your home say about you: 

That I don’t have time for my home right now! Ha! Seriously, we are currently slowly planning a home renovation projec,t but Covid-19 and my multiple businesses have really slowed down our progress. Stay tuned! 

Where do you find inspiration: 

I get a lot of inspiration on morning walks in whatever city I’m in. 

Who are your style icons: 

Fashion: Karla Martinez de Salas; 

Interiors: Aaron Rambo 

What are your key ingredients for entertaining: 

Well, if the conversation, food & wine is top-notch it almost does not matter where you are entertaining.  Of course, I find a well-set table and fresh flowers really help in the conversation department...

Do you collect anything: 

Antique needlework books. 

What are you working on right now:  

All my current energy is focused on helping my businesses navigate the new world Covid-19 has presented!

Wardrobe staples: 

Denim pants and white shirts.

Best interior advice you ever received: 

It’s almost impossible to cut corners. Save money on rugs.  

Best career advice you ever received:

 Just keep at it!

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on: 

Invest in art, save on anything antiques by shopping “smart” 

Your greatest extravagance: 

My Birkin bags!

Favorite places to shop for home: 

Wandering the streets of Mexico; Found for the Home in Houston; Roundtop antique fair; and Amparo Fine Living (of course!) 

Most prized possession and why: 

My dogs Frida and Emma, need not say more

Your interiors motto: 


Your life motto: 

Stay positive. 

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style: 

EVERYTHING has been done before, pick elements you like and just run with them. 

My Favorite…

Food: a really well made cheese burger 

Drink: mexican coca-cola in a bottle 

Film: Not film, but Hamilton! 

Hotel: Hotel Amparo (of course!)

City: San Miguel de Allende 

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): Yes, please. 

Weekend Activity: A nice glass of burgundy in the garden with my family 


Talk Shop: Jacqueline Clair // York Avenue


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