Talk Shop: Palmer Weiss // Palmer Weiss Interior Design
Raised in Charleston, South Carolina, Palmer Weiss credits her Southern roots as a major influence on her design aesthetic. She admires the way Southerners embrace their family heritage, formality, and tradition in their homes but are also not afraid to express a few of their eccentricities. Living in Northern California for over twenty-five years has allowed her to develop a unique style that both respects tradition and embraces new ideas. A mother to two daughters and one labrador, Weiss also understands the need for a home to be as functional as it is beautiful. Never one to give in to trends, Weiss is known for creating timeless, modern, and livable interiors with her signature bursts of color and a touch of that Southern eccentricity thrown in for fun.
Photo by: Francesco Lagnese
Describe your style in three words or less:
Timeless, layered, colorful.
What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life:
Growing up in Charleston, South Carolina riding my bike past the most exquisite examples of Georgian, Greek Revival, and Federal architecture every day on my way to school.
My mom - her love of antiques and the ability to create warmth and a sense of welcome.
My art history degree.
How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do:
I did not start my firm until I was 31 years old after many false starts in finance, technology, fashion, and getting my business degree. I had grown up with a mom in interior design, but I was most certainly not one of those children who was rearranging their room at age 5. I mistakenly thought of interior design as a fluffy soccer mom pastime and I was way too type A for that. However, I was always an entrepreneur at heart and loved the arts, so after a particularly soul-crushing stint in a corporate retail job, I figured it was worth a go. I left that company with a few small clients who trusted me for no other reason than I could dress myself halfway decently and probably seemed like I would not embezzle their deposits, so it was off to the races.
There are so many things I love about this profession. First and foremost, I do love the marriage of creativity and business and that I get to use all parts of my brain. Secondly, I love creating something with other people and all of the partnerships and collaboration that go into that process.
Photo by: Francesco Lagnese
Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:
I did not have a mentor, but I have been lucky enough to have my right-hand employee with me for over 17 years. She is younger than me, but far wiser in many ways and has helped shape the tenor and feel of our firm internally more than anyone else - including me. Without Arwen (Dalton), I would literally be nowhere as I am quite sure no one would have been able to tolerate working for me beyond one year without her steady hand at the helm. And we all know, this is a team sport and we are only as good as our employees and collaborators!
What does your home say about you:
I should focus more on my own home rather than my clients’! Alternative answer: I am from the South, love all things English, and all of my upholstery tells you that I have both a brown and white labrador.
Where do you find inspiration:
Honestly everywhere. Aesthetically, I am lucky enough to have access to nature and outdoors 365 days a year and there is no greater master of color theory than Mother Nature. Equally, I am inspired to keep reaching and trying my best by a whole host of people from political advocates like Shannon Watts to professional athletes such as Steph Curry. Showing up every day with passion and a desire to better oneself is the true key to leading an inspired life in my opinion.
Who are your style icons:
I take visual cues from lots of people, but am not a big “icon-y” type of person. Some of my biggest inspiration has come from Robert Kime, Gauguin, Picasso, Renzo Mongiardino, and Furlow Gatewood to name a few.
What are your key ingredients for entertaining:
Bring interesting and curious people together, have beautiful warm lighting, outsource the cooking, and never, ever run out of alcohol.
Do you collect anything:
Photo by: Francesco Lagnese
Art - particularly work depicting or by strong women.
Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:
@leahoconnelldesign (we were separated at birth from the same aesthetic mother), @torimellott (hilarious, in the know, and fabulous taste), and @momsbehavingbadly (because you have to remember to laugh.)
What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:
It is not an exact rule, per se, but proper scale is non-negotiable. Nothing makes a room feel worse than an overstuffed sofa that sucks the air out of a small room.
In terms of rules to break, I do not believe in strict color matching or combos. If it feels good to you when you throw it together, it will look good in a room no matter how crazy the mix.
What are you working on right now:
A beautiful home in Pacific Heights for favorite long-time clients, new build in Sun Valley (mountain homes are my favorite!), beach house in New Jersey and an incredible estate in Hillsborough in collaboration with Andrew Skurman Architects.
Wardrobe staples:
Dries Van Noten Blazers, whatever snazzy sneakers don’t hurt my feet that day (my current fave is New Balance with oxblood logo), and any one of my countless pairs of jeans.
Photo by: Francesco Lagnese
Favorite fabric/wallpaper:
Anything Pierre Frey.
Best interior advice you ever received:
Do not rest until the last picture is hung on the job.
Best career advice you ever received:
“Do what you love and the money will follow.”
Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:
Invest in ethically made and locally sourced pieces whenever possible. They will last longer and you can feel better about your purchases not contributing to poor labor conditions or our carbon footprint. Save on accessories! Look on Ebay, Etsy, and Chairish for every box, place setting, frame, etc. Not only will you save money, but you will have unique items with a story that no one else owns.
Your greatest extravagance:
First class travel. And a bad Starbucks habit. (see coffee question below)
Favorite places to shop for home:
Any antique flea market or small obscure collective.
Most prized possession and why:
No possession truly matters other than the health of my daughters and family.
Photo by: Francesco Lagnese
Your interiors motto:
Being married to a doctor has really helped me take some of the fabricated stress out of design. If he makes a mistake, someone goes home without a father. If I make a mistake, the curtains have to be redone and it costs me some money. It is not brain surgery!
Your life motto:
To whom much is given, much is expected.
Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style:
Train your eye. Go to school on the greats: study their works in books, in person, in magazines. And then you can pull out the elements that work for you. People often tell me, “Oh, you are so talented!” which is kind, but not entirely accurate. Yes, I was born with some inherent talent I am sure, and perhaps more importantly, I was lucky enough to be surrounded by beauty from a very young age. But, I have worked hard to learn design. I have studied art, architecture, decorative arts, other designers, and house museums my entire life and continue to do so today.
Take Ten: My Favorite…
Food: Caprese salad.
Drink: Buttery California Chardonnay
Film: Life is Beautiful
Hotel: Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay
City: London
Bedding: Whatever my mom has on her guest beds.
Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): Is this a serious question? Coffee. Starts with the first cup in bed delivered by my husband - very hot, extra milk and sugar. He plays offense. Then, I am one of those annoying people with an unfettered Starbucks habit - Venti nonfat no foam latte. Every. Single. Day. (See above luxuries)
Playlist: Lake Street Dive, Brandi Carlile, and whatever my daughters are playing.
Weekend Activity: Swim at the outdoor high school pool in Sonoma, dance class in the Mission, Warriors games in season.
Design Book: British Designers at Home