Talk Shop: Jewel Marlowe // Jewel Marlowe Interiors


Designer Jewel Marlowe believes that design should be a fun and soulful representation of our lives. She’s a military spouse, with 13 moves in 9 years (wow!) With every location bringing new inspiration, Jewel attributes her design roots to her family’s time spent living in England. She religiously attended British furniture auctions to buy and resell pieces to my clients, and became inspired by the drama of mixing eras. “It was reaffirmed to me that I was equally in love with a Georgian bow front dresser and an Atollo Mushroom table lamp,” she says. Armed with a daring soul and a love for color, pattern, and unique design, Jewel unabashedly tackles room after room, and designs both in her current Northern Virginia home and for local clients. She has a knack for mixing soulful finds with quality brands to create a sophisticated, curated, and glamorous home, with a touch of whimsy—just check out some of her stunning rooms below! Enjoy this #talkshop with Jewel Marlowe, we definitely did!

Describe your style in three words or less:

Color, glamor, soul

What have been the biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life: 

My husband is an Air Force fighter pilot,  and we have lived in nearly every region of the US. We’ve also had an overseas assignment to the UK.  Here I would buy and resell vintage and antique pieces.  I think this was a critical period of style development for me because I learned to love the tension of pairing old and new, and masculine and feminine.

How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do:

Originally, I focused on social media and content creation for wallpaper/lighting/paint/etc companies.  Now I spend most of my time working for clients.  While I like the creative freedom of working in my own home, I LOVE the personal interactions I have working for my amazing clients. There is something indescribably about creating a special home for others to make memories.

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:

I have been blessed to be surrounded by other uplifting and encouraging local designers including Gloria Blalock and Ronni Logan.

What does your home say about you:

My home is busy!  With four kids, there is never a dull moment.  We are a military family, so we’ve moved 13 times in our marriage. I think it is hard to separate the energy and experiences from my dramatic and eclectic design style.

Where do you find inspiration:

I think I find inspiration from some of the usual sources; books, magazines, Instagram, travel, fashion, and antiques.

Who are your style icons:

Of course, I’m a fan of Kelly Wearstler and Miles Redd.

What are your key ingredients for entertaining:

In the past, I used to throw big elaborate parties, but in the last couple of years, I have learned to enjoy more intimate and casual entertaining.

Do you collect anything:

Wallpaper…JK, no really.

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

@katepearcevintage, @Home_ec_op, and

What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:

I like to vary pattern type and scale in a space but sometimes I break the rules and go a smidge overscale on lighting.

What are you working on right now:

I currently have 6 clients and every single one of them has a dining room planned. I find that interesting.

Wardrobe staples:

I tend to gravitate towards jewel tones and bold colors because they look best with my cooler skin undertones.

Favorite fabric/wallpaper:

I have so many!  I’ll be using Schumacher’s Queen’s Flight and Pierre Frey’s Momoji soon, and I’m excited to see them both installed.

Best interior advice you ever received:

If you see something you love with all of your heart, buy it. Eventually, it will make sense.

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:  

With a lot of children and a dog, it doesn’t make the most sense for me to invest in a $30k sofa, but great lighting and wallpaper can make or break a room.

Favorite places to shop for home:

I prefer to collect vintage pieces for my home, so I love a good consignment shop or antique warehouse. 

Most prized possession and why: 

This is a hard one for me.  It’s not that I don’t have or appreciate something nice, but that I don’t place too much value in a single possession.  Rather, I like the mood or aesthetic that a variety of objects create together. I believe that you can mix high/low and commercial and personal items to achieve gorgeous results.

Your interiors motto:

Color, Glamor, Soul

Your life motto:

I have two, and both were critical during our many military deployments. 1. I can do hard things 2. No matter the situation, I can choose to be happy.

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style:

While trends are exciting, a gathered and eclectic look will be timeless.

Take Ten: My Favorite…

Food: Salmon…or Moose Tracks Ice Cream.  I should probably eat more Salmon and less Moose Tracks! 

Drink: Water.  Boring, I know :)

City: So hard to pick! Maybe Sevilla, Spain, or Edinburgh, Scotland

Bedding: I work a lot with Crane and Canopy and they have a nice hand.

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): I don’t drink either

Playlist: Taylor Swift, Adele, and Imagine Dragons

Weekend Activity: Soccer games, and spending time with family

Design Book: Hard to pick a favorite. This week I’m reading Japanese Design since 1945 by Naomi Pollock and I’m finding it very interesting. Next up is New Paris Style by Danielle Miller.


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