Talk Shop: Mollie Creason // Founder of Well + Wonder


Mollie Creason, the founder of Well + Wonder, is a young art broker from Louisville, Kentucky whose roots and art studies extend to Tennessee, the Georgia coast, and fresco-washed Florence, Italy. Creason believes that experiencing and collecting art shouldn’t be confusing or intimidating. Finding a painting or any artwork should be fun, soulful, and add to your sense of wonder.

While Mollie was raised to understand that collecting art should not be confusing or intimidating, and instead highly personal and life-giving, she realized that most people did not share this feeling. So, in 2015, she launched Well + Wonder to extend that experience by giving people the opportunity to explore art in an approachable manner. Mollie uses her sharp eye to identify artists who specialize in a variety of mediums. And, with prices fit for collectors at all levels, Mollie believes Well + Wonder offers something for everyone—those investing in their first pieces or established collectors looking for a fresh perspective. Stocked with original art and unique profiles, Well + Wonder is a virtual studio tour and Mollie is a wealth of knowledge about the industry as a whole. We are beyond inspired by Mollie’s story, and hope you enjoy our latest installment of our Talk Shop series!

Describe your style in three words or less:

Feminine, Colorful, Collected.

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life: 

Growing up in the south, studying art, and living in Florence, Italy, and my love of original art.

How did you start your company, and what is your favorite thing about what you do: 

I started Well + Wonder six years ago after about five years of representing portrait artists and contemporary artists. As I helped friends and clients place artwork in their homes I heard the same sentiment over and over.  “I am too intimidated to shop in an art gallery.  I don’t know much about art, but I know what I like.  I can’t buy original art – it’s too expensive.”  I thought to myself that there has got to be a way to showcase original art at various price points on an e-commerce platform.  I also was very passionate about introducing the artist behind the work and wanted to be transparent about what the inspiration was, why it costs what it does, etc.  That is when we came up with our core philosophy at Well + Wonder.  Art collecting shouldn’t be confusing or intimidating – it should be fun, soulful, and add to your sense of wonder.

I am incredibly lucky to work with a group of immensely talented women every day.  We are a team of four women at our corporate office and we represent nearly 40 female artists.  And who doesn’t love being surrounded by original art and color each and every day?

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:

Yes, Beverly McNeil, Owner of Portraits Inc. and Beverly McNeil Gallery in Birmingham.  Beverly and all of the ladies at Portraits Inc. taught me how to make a career in art sales and for that, I will be forever grateful.  They have also been so supportive of Well + Wonder and our goal of making art buying more accessible.

What does your home say about you:

I am currently wrapping up an extensive home renovation project.  We were very intentional about creating a space that is comfortable for our young family.  I think the pandemic taught us how important it is to feel comfortable in our homes! I am grateful to have a husband who is not afraid to let me run a bit wild with color and original art.  So there are some fun color combinations, whimsy, layers of textures, and lots and lots of original artwork.

Where do you find inspiration:

Our artists, travel, design books, Instagram

Who are your style icons:

Lela Rose, Laura Vinroot Poole, Tory Burch

What are your key ingredients for entertaining: 

A fully stocked bar, a variety of nibbles, Estelle Colored Glassware, and some good music.

Do you collect anything:

Original art, sterling silver mint julep glasses (perfect for Derby entertaining in Kentucky), and ceramic wall hangings from travel that hang in my kitchen.

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

@kathleen_varner, @ashleygilbreathinteriordesign, @lizziecullencox, @hannahozburn 

What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:

I’m not sure I’m an expert on design rules, but I do believe in collecting pieces that you love, that tell a story, that is passed through generations, and sometimes that requires a lot of patience.

What are you working on right now:

Personally, a home renovation and in regards to Well + Wonder, a  fun collaboration that will allow our artists to explore textile design. 

Wardrobe staples:

Feminine dresses, well-made jeans, and I have now developed quite a collection of wooden clogs.  

Best art advice you ever received:

Buy what speaks to you. 

Best career advice you ever received:

Take the risk. Trust your gut, it will serve you well.

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:

To invest: art, antiques, good fabric, and wallpaper

Save on: furniture (I am recovering A LOT of hand me downs)

Your greatest extravagance:

Travel and massages.

Favorite places to shop for home: 

Local antique shops here in Louisville and Patina in Nashville, TN.

Most prized possession and why:

My childrens’ portraits by artist Liz Lindstrom.  

Your art motto:

Buy what you love, not the painting to match the sofa.

Your life motto:

Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style: 

When you begin to collect things you love: art, pieces of furniture, decorative objects, etc. I think your own interior style will naturally come together.  

Take Ten: My Favorite…

Food: Guacamole and chips

Drink: Spicy Margarita

Film: The Parent Trap 

Hotel: Las Ventanas, Cabo

City: Carmel, California

Bedding: Leontine Linens

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): Coffee, cream no sugar.

Playlist: Nancy Meyers’ Kitchen on Spotify

Weekend Activity: Dining on the patio with friends and family.

Design Book: James Farmer Arriving Home


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