Talk Shop: Phoebe Howard & Nellie Ossi Howard // Mr. & Mrs. Howard, Max & Company


It all started in 1996, when Phoebe Howard and her husband Jim opened their first store, Mrs. Howard, in Jacksonville, Florida. Hoping to demystify the decorating process for their customers, the goal was simple: Create a retail space that showcased Jim's architectural and decorating talent, and Phoebe's natural skills for buying, decorating, and merchandising. The store was an instant success, and five years later, they added another store, Max & Company, which features a younger, more modern appeal.

The Howards’ business is a family affair (which we just love!) The family has brick and mortar Mrs. Howard and Max & Company stores in Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Atlanta, and Charlotte, as well as a furniture collection with Sherrill Furniture.

Aside from their stores, Phoebe and her daughter Nellie are also accomplished interior designers who just had their beautiful Flower Magazine Showhouse room in the low country featured in the March/April issue! As a mother-daughter duo who works together by day and hangs out by night, we were so excited to chat with Phoebe and Nellie about their inspirations, working relationship, and expert advice—enjoy!

Describe your style in three words or less:

Phoebe: Chic, pretty and tailored 

Nellie: Livable luxury, comfortable 

How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do:  

P: I started the company with my husband Jim. Initially it was just a design firm and I realized that it would be helpful for his clients to be able to visualize the designs he was proposing. So I developed a retail store space where we could create vignettes of room settings. My favorite thing is the homeowners reaction to the finished product! There is such gratification in the beautiful completion of a project you’ve worked hard on. 

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory: 

P: My Aunt Myra was my mentor. When I was a young girl, my aunt Myra gave my bedroom a makeover and it had a large impact on my life. Ever since then, I understood the power and influence that decorating and design can have on your life, and I try to incorporate that into what I do. 

N: My parents!!! They have taught me everything I know. My mother is a constant source of inspiration. She’s always helping me find ways to incorporate unique concepts and dressmaker details to make a space beautiful. 

How does a mother/daughter team work together? Pros? Cons? 

P: We have always been really, really close. It took us a few years to find our groove but now that we have, we wouldn’t know what to do without each other!  

N: She’s the best sounding board and always helps me work out design problems. We also live 5 minutes apart. So after work, and on the weekends, even though we’ve worked together all week I’ll call her and say “Want to come by for dinner??” 

What does your home say about you: 

Nellie: My home says, I tried really hard to make this place nice but I have a toddler and a newborn! So I am all about creative storage. I’ve got an upholstered storage cocktail ottoman that is the best feature for our family. I can store kid junk in it, and I don’t have to worry about my toddler bumping his head on it. Win win!  

Where do you find inspiration: 

Phoebe: Mostly in my travels, but also in the day-to-day. When I am not on the road, I’m at home in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. My husband Jim and I often walk the beach in the evenings and there’s always an inspiration to be found in a beautiful sunset over the ocean. 

Who are your style icons: 

Phoebe: Jackye Lanham and Bunny Williams  

What are your key ingredients for entertaining:  

Nellie: An attentive host who has everything finished by the time you arrived. A stressed out host racing around makes for an unpleasant evening!  

Do you collect anything: 

Nellie: I obsessively collect vintage tabletop, particularly Majollica.  

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration: 

We both love @eddieross

What design “rule” do you always follow: 

 Phoebe: Keep it pretty! 

What are you working on right now: 

Nellie: I’ve got a lot of clients who want all neutral schemes which I find very interesting. To make the space work, you’ve got to lean into textures and natural elements 

Wardrobe staples: 

Phoebe: A great comfortable pair of booties that can be dressed up or casual. 

Favorite fabric/wallpaper: 

Phoebe and Nellie: Bowood by Cowtan and Tout. All colorways! 

 Best interior advice you ever received:  

P: Start with a floor plan.

Best career advice you ever received: 

N: Being your own biggest critic will always drive you to work harder, do more and be better. 

Your greatest extravagance: 

N: Skincare! 

Favorite places to shop for home: 

P: Our own shops, of course! :) 

Most prized possession and why: 

P: A photo of my mother, pregnant with me, fishing off the pier. Even though she is now gone, I get to see her every day.  

N: A painting my grandmother made. She was an artist. It’s a wild portrait of a nude woman with a bright purple background so it’s definitely a “statement!” It is so out-there but I can never part with it. We were both extremely, extremely close with her. 

Your interiors motto: 

P: Keep it pretty! 

Your life motto: 

N: Kindness always   

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style:  

N: Avoid trends. Just because something looks pretty in a picture doesn’t mean it’s a fit for your own home.

Take Ten: My Favorite… 


Phoebe: Boiled Peanuts 

Nellie: Pimento Cheese 


P: Vodka! 

N: Diet Dr Pepper – my biggest vice  


P: Something’s Gotta Give  

N: Lonesome Dove  


P: St Regis in Florence
N : Emeliine in Charleston 


P: Paris
N: Savannah, GA 


P: Matouk
N: The Marshmallow Puff by Annie Selkie!!!!!! 

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): 

P: Neither!
N: I make a turmeric coffee latte every morning 


P: Motown
N: Leon Bridges 

Weekend Activity: We both love walks on the beach!  

Design Book:  

P: My husband’s book, Atmosphere! 

N: My brother’s book Style comfort home 


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